The above hourly rates apply to work performed within the continental United States. Services are available world wide. For projects conducted outside the continental United States, premium rates will be applied. The increase above stated rates will vary depending on location and duration of the project. Payments are required in U.S. dollars. Time for travel to job sites, depositions, trials, etc. will be charged at the above rates. Preparation time for deposition or trial are charged at applicable hourly rates. A good faith effort will be made to bill adverse or other parties for services such as depositions, and travel. However, the client is responsible for payment for all time and expenses associated with the case should payment not be made by other parties within 30 days. SUBCONTRACT AND TESTING Charges for subcontract engineering or technical services, test equipment or laboratory services will be billed at cost, plus an administrative fee. OTHER PROJECT EXPENSES Travel and out-of-pocket expenses are charged at cost, plus an administrative fee. This includes air travel, hotel, ground transportation, meals, parking, etc. Auto mileage will be charged. Normal office functions are provided at no charge. Special project expenses are charged at cost, plus an administrative fee. These include materials, equipment, special printing and reproduction, shipping charges, special fees, extra insurance, etc. Clients will be charged a nominal fee for materials/evidence which require storage. However, insurance for stored materials/evidence is the client's responsibility. We shall retain full ownership of all rights in ideas, inventions, works of authorship, confidences, or other intellectual property that are developed by us or its employees, whether or not such are related to, the result of, or the subject of this investigation or project. Contact Information:
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